Construction of a Vehicle Shed

There have been concrete plans for the construction of a carriage shed on the club's premises at Deinste station since 2010. Initially, only a single-track hall was planned for the storage of the passenger train in the former loading ramp. However, the length of the loading ramp only allowed a roof for 4 carriages, while the rest would have to remain outside. For this reason, the original project was abandoned and the construction of a 25×12 metre vehicle hall with four tracks for locomotives and passenger carriages was planned instead.
Following the approval of the EVB, the construction was approved at the general meeting in February 2012. The vehicle hall was now built in the area of the old locomotive shed. The existing engine shed was covered by the new structure and finally demolished under the finished new shed. The structure of the new shed was made of wood and rests on a stable strip foundation. The roof and side surfaces are cladded with trapezoidal sheet metal, while the entrance gates are made of larch wood. Gutters are installed on the long sides of the hall to collect rainwater and channel it into an underground 6000 litre plastic tank. The soft water collected in this tank is required for the operation of the steam locomotive.
The current track system in front of the engine shed had to be completely removed and re-laid. All tracks in the new shed can be accessed directly from the main track. Previously, this was only possible at the old engine shed via a hairpin bend with a stub track. Shortly before the Kleinbahnhof, a new switch was installed in the main track for this purpose.
The construction drawings for the vehicle hall have been prepared and the construction application was submitted to the district authorities in March 2012. We have calculated the costs for the hall construction without interior fittings at € 30,000.00. We applied for subsidies to help with the financing. The construction was carried out entirely on our own initiative by qualified club members working exclusively on a voluntary basis.
The project was completed in October 2013.